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Spring Equinox YiNidra with Live Soundbath

Spring Equinox takes place around 21st March 2025. 

It marks the start of Spring, the return of light with earlier sunrises and later sunsets.

John O'donohue says in his book "To Bless the Space Between Us"

"The beauty of nature insists on taking its time. Everything is prepared. Nothing is rushed. The rhythm of emergence is a gradual slow beat always inching its way forward; change remains faithful to itself until the new unfolds in the full confidence of true arrival. Because nothing is abrupt, the beginning of spring nearly always catches us unawares. It is there before we see it; and then we can look nowhere without seeing it."

This workshop that brings together the practices of Yin, Nidra and Sound is an invitation for you to take your time and see what emerges in the new rhythm that this season brings.

For some it can be a journey of self-discovery as new seeds are planted and begin to take root.

This event is accessible to all and no experience of yoga is needed.


N.B. A sound bath may not be suitable for the following people (please gain advice from your doctor):

-First trimester pregnancy

-Pace maker

-Metal implant


March 23

Yoga Nidra with Eimear

March 31

Refining The Language of Yoga (w/ Andrew McGonigle)